18.02.2017 Faith- Hope – Love

Faith changes everything belonging to our life with God. The inner force that we get hearing the words of our Lord is the one that determinates our spirit and changes our being. The stronger we remain between the truth of god, the better this truth can grow inside us and touches our life, as we confess our faith.

1 Corinthians 13:13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Even when love is the greatest, we have to admit that faith and hope are iqually important. Love also for our enemies? Isn´t it common to respond something bad that we receive from our enemy with revenge? How could Jesus expect that we  give the other cheek when beaten on one? Jesus teaches us to love our enemies, because it is very simple and easy to love those who love us and are nice to us. But so do the tax collectors. Between Christians there is no place for hate, rage and rivalry. Jesus wants us to control our rage – he says: “You heared about the saying: eye for eye, tooth for tooth. But I tell You:You are not to seek vengeance or hold a grudge against the descendants of your people.If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them.” Jesus wants to explain to us that we shall grow out of “eye for eye” because that thinking brings us into a swirl of never ending negative, and we are not able to get out of it any more. He wants to show us that this behavier leads us to a world of blind and disabled, because hate makes the person blind.


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