
Matthew 4: 23-24

23 And Jesus went through all of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all sicknesses and sicknesses in the people. 24 And his reputation spread throughout all Syria; and they brought to him all the sick, afflicted with various diseases and pains, possessed and moonstruck and lame; and he healed her.

“His RUF preceded him, spread across the country”

What does the call of a person mean, in this case the call of Jesus? … You talk about this person, you have heard from him, heard stories from him, good things have been reported.

What about our own RUF ?? Do people avoid us when we are seen from a distance because we have a bad reputation? Do you like to be around us because we are pleasant contemporaries?

What do work colleagues, neighbors, teachers and your own relatives say about us?

Are we seen as followers of XChristi who have a good reputation for being compassionate, kind, indulgent, loving, humble, humble?

How Christians have a name to defend, their own name and the name of Christ. If we behave like real Christians, we live up to our (Christ’s call), otherwise we could be said of us that we are not good Christians, a bad reputation would come with us.

Walking with Jesus is serious business and takes effort.

We are victorious in the name of the Lord, we spread the word, we walk in His calling. As pilgrims in a strange earth, we leave a reputation of ourselves and of our Lord wherever we go. Just as people felt comfortable around Christ, so they can also feel comfortable with us when they know that the goodness and love of the Lord emanate from us.

Lord, let us spread your good reputation, let us be instruments of your love, so that people visit us because of our good reputation and go your way together with us!