When we think about SIN – PUNISHMENT – what kind of feeling do You get? Probably something unpleasant, because when we do something that we know not to be allwright, we cannot feel good. The same happens when doing something against the will of our Lord. But even so we do the wrong – we are hoping for amnesty. But amnesty only can come when we repent.
“The mind is willing but the flesh is weak” – that it is !!
Look at Jonas – he got the order to go to Ninive to speak to the people there, but he was not willing and went intothe opposite direction. Punishment came at once and finally he landed in the bally of the whale. There he reversed, prayed to god and found himselve otherwise on land.
Saulus was a man that repented and became Paulus, a follower of Jesus. The Holy Spirit and the love of Jesus had helped him to do that.
The fight between flesh and spirit is present in every moment of our life. We can choose, what we want to do – god gave to us the free will. Only with the help of the Holy Spirit we are able to choose the right way. Jesus has his own style to show the fight against the malignant – He remains in silence, when askes by Herodes, the only answer he makes is :” Yes, I am” when asked about being the king of the Jews.
Only god can give us the Spirit. Corinthians 5:5 It is God who has been at work in us to do this, the God who has given us the spirit as the first instalment and guarantee. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of the Messiah, so that each may receive what has been done through the body, whether good or bad.
Only Jesus can make us new, his love can move us to reverse.
Light cannot be on the same place as darkness. We must not fraternize with people living in darkness. Only after bringing them to the light, we can go with them in the same direction. Therefore do not let darkness enter Your heart – be light to the others, carry the light into the world, the light of the love of Jesus, the light of His words !!