
In August of the year 2004, when our president turned 50, funds were collected to begin the construction of a home for the Moraes family, whose members suffer from blindness.

Casa Urandi

From 2004 to 2009, the social group  “ARME“ of Deutschlandsberg, Austria, donated 13.500 Euros  to the “Associação Urandiense de Portadores de Necessidades Especiais” (AUPNE), situated in Urandi, south-east of Bahia, in Brazil. The money was employed to hire a teacher for disabled individuals. The beautiful result was that five people were able to finish secondary school, and one of them, Marieta Moraes, will get her diploma as pedagogue at the end of this year.

Formandos de Urandi

Since 2004, AUPNE has been working in a rented house, not adapted for people with disabilities. In June of 2015, the construction of the head office for AUPNE finally began, with prepared rooms for teaching people with disabilities.

Obra em Guanambi

Marieta na Obra

At the beginning of this year the construction is grown and we can see the walls done, but there is still a lot to be done.



Marieta and architect:


Marieta sent the following letter to us:

AUPNE Urandi association of disabled persons

Deli José Fagundes – street , bairro Xavier – Nr. 93

CNPJ: 05.418.649/0001-40

URANDI – BAHIA -Brasil  46350-000

file Nr.01/2017                                                             Urandi, 16th of January, 2017

Subject: Request of help for the project of the association-building for persons with special needs.

Dear sisters and brothers of ACD-kinderhilfe, may the peace of our gracious Lord be with you. AUPNE (association in Urandi for persons with special needs) a not government-dependent organisation with headquarter in Urandi, Bahia, Brazil, registered with CNPJ 05.418.649/0001-40 is lead by the president of the union. We would like to inform you that the association had been founded in 2002 with the proposal to help persons of the region in and near Urandi,  with special needs to get integrated in the society, and we can say that we had succeeded very well. We could bring blind and deaf children back to school, we helped other disabled persons, also the poor and illiterate habitants – we are the only one organisation of this kind in the region. We have big need of a house where we can receife the disabled persons and do our social work. Where we are at the moment we pay rental fee and the building is not adapted for wheelchair-user. A great victory was the donation of a peace of land from  the local authority in 2011. Till now we were able to  build the walls, but now we ask you for help to be able to continue – you my be sure of our sincere gratefulness. It does not matter if the amount of donation is big or small – every coin will be a great help in the whole sum. We will write a bill and account for each donation and are looking foreward to fulfill our dream. We also will be very happy in having some of you here in our place as visiters and will receife you with open arms. The association of ACD is very dear to us, clergy Irani spoke very nice about the members, and she hersef is with us since 2003. With her intercession and other Austrians we could have some progress till now and we have faith, that with Gods help and your assistance we will be able to construct our association-building to help the persons of our poor region. Please make contakt to us:

e-mail: aupneudi@hotmail.com

Telefon:(77)91980012, (77)91350468, (77) 34562296

Bank details:  Banco Bradesco URANDI-BA, Bank branch office 5296-5  Kontonumber: poupanca 1000 000-9

The Lord may bless everyboty who is making efforts and helping us. The AUPNE-family sends you a lot of hugs.

Marieta de Jesus Morais – teacher and leader of the association.